


Penulis Indonesiana
Bergabung Sejak: 26 April 2019

Sabtu, 27 April 2019 20:06 WIB

JAKB 1st Year Anniversary

Here in JakB Runners, we found not only our running buddies, but a sense of family, a sense of belonging that no matter what background you have, or religion, race and occupation, here we share the same passion.

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JakB Runnes, started as Jakarta Barat Runners begun our journey in May 15th 2014. The group formed from a handful of people who lived in West Jakarta area wanted to do a long run from Central Park to Monas. From that day on, the group stays connected and continues to run and train together. Social media was created under that name and more member start to piling in as soon as they found out that we domicile in West Jakarta.

Later that year, we changed the name from “Jakarta Barat Runners” to “Jakarta Belia Runners” (still JakB Runners) because we have members from other parts of Jakarta as well and also to make the group more open for other runners. Now we have members from various parts of Jakarta, Bekasi, Tanggerang and even members from other province in Indonesia.

A few of our members have won a couple major races in short distances (5k and 10k). But not just active participants of short course races, a lot of JakB Runners members are also involved in trail running, ultra distance running, and have participated in some of the major trail running events such as Bromo Tengger Semeru Ultra (BTS Ultra), Mount Rinjani Ultra and Gede Pangrango Marathon. A few of our members also participated in some major marathons like Tokyo Marathon, Berlin Marathon and Chicago Marathon. In the future, JakB is hoping to have some of our members participate in triathlon and dualthlon races too. 

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As we celebrate our 1st anniversary this year, we are so grateful for our community that grew in numbers, achievements and many other areas. We also felt much honored to be sponsored by one of the leading brands in Indonesia, League in this event. Their contribution and support meant a lot for us as runners. On this event we also invited some of the representative from other running communities as well. It is great to be able to hear their stories and enjoy some fellowship time with them.  

In the future we hope to be better, stronger and faster. And here in JakB Runners, we found not only our running buddies, but a sense of family, a sense of belonging that no matter what background you have, or religion, race and occupation, here we share the same passion. 

Natasha C

JakB Runner

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